Donations to the patron drive fund
For online donations to the 2024 Irene Dunne Guild Patron Drive, please complete the form below.
To donate with a credit card by phone, please call 310.829.8424 and reference Irene Dunne Guild Patron Drive.
Visit Saint John's Health Center Foundation for more ways to give.
To donate with a credit card by phone, please call 310.829.8424 and reference Irene Dunne Guild Patron Drive.
Visit Saint John's Health Center Foundation for more ways to give.
Why Should I Donate to the Guild? 100% of donations to our Patron Drive Fund go straight to program or equipment costs at Saint John's. No portion is used for administration costs of the Guild as they are covered by our individual membership dues. |
How Does the Guild Use Donations? Our Resource Allocation Committee reviews requests from departments in the Health Center to fund vital projects. We are able to allocate funds that directly enhance delivery of care or the patient experience. |
What Impact Can Donations Have? They help us fund upgraded equipment like the Accuvein devices we gifted to help nurses easily pinpoint the best location for blood draws. You or a loved one could directly benefit if admitted at Saint John's! |
Supporting Saint John's since 1987...The Guild has funded projects and programs throughout the Health Center including: Stroke Program, Emergency Department, NICU, Gift Shop, Nursing Department and many other areas.
Recent GiftsPrograms funded by the Patron Drive in 2024
In 2024, through the generous donations to the Annual Patron Drive, the Irene Dunne Guild funded the following programs and equipment: Cancer Center - 3 beds and 22 blood pressure cuffs. Medical Procedures Unit - 1 Vein Finder and 1 Bladder Scanner. Beauty Bus for the Patients with Cancer in the Infusion Center - hand massages and facials 2 times a week for a year. Labor and Delivery Operating Room - Curvilear Probe to fit on the S11 Ultrasound System - Facilitates use on heavy women. Laboratory - 16 Staff Lockers Volunteer Services - Funds for a simple get-together for the NODA (no one dies alone) program volunteers, Nifty Needlers supplies, and snacks for the surgery waiting room. Vascular Access (Hospital Wide) - re-stock for PICC line home kits and supplies for port placement kits. Emergency Room - 1 Vein Finder * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In 2023, through the generous donations to the Annual Patron Drive, the Irene Dunne Guild funded the following programs and equipment: Massages for Caregivers: Saint John's Health Center ($33,600): Surveys show that burnout is common for hospital staff members. The IDG program provides massages to caregivers on a monthly basis, with the goal to addresses burnout among hospital staff. Acute Care: Diagnostic Radiology Department ($10,000): Every year, 500 patients leave Saint John's with a PICC line, to be used for home intravenous infusions, and they need to know how to keep the line dry when taking a shower. Patient kits will provide a brochure with care instructions, shower covers, Curos caps and fabric arm sleeves. Brain Health Boosters for Healthy Aging, Virtual Fit-Brain: Pacific Neuroscience Institute ($10,000): "Brain Health Boosters” is a 90min presentation. It includes cognitive training exercises for healthy aging of the brain. The presentation is intended for senior centers and other similar organizations such as the Wallis Annenberg GenSpace. "Virtual Fit-Brain" is gaming software designed to improve cognitive functioning. IDG will provide $5,000 in funding to each. RQI Station for ASC Port "Body in a Box": Clinical Education Department ($3,424): The RQI Station device assists in real time feedback and adaptive learning. For $2,500, students are provided feedback through a laptop. Body in a Box is a low cost ($924) compact training model for the teaching of IVAD. Bladder Scanners (2) OR and PACU: Prepoerative Services ($22,474): Scanners are an integral part of medical practice. They reduce the need for urinary catheters in preventing post-urinary retention. AccuVein: Preoperative Services ($6,505): "AccuVein" assists nurses to find veins in patients with difficult veins who need IV's placed or blood drawn. Decreases the number of sticks for the patient. Accuvein AV500: Oncology & Caritas Suites ($6,505): This device digitally displays a visual map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, allowing clinicians to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations. |
Previously raised Irene Dunne Guild funds have supported:
Massages for Caregivers
10 minutes massages to caregivers on a monthly basis to addresses burn-out among hospital staff.
Flowater Refill - Cancer Center
provides accessible hot and cold clean water to caregivers and patients and contributes to reduce the environmental footprint encouraging water bottles’ refills.
Locker Room Refresh - ICU & PCCU
redo of the Nurses' locker room.
Electric Gurneys - PreOP and GI departments
gift of two electric gurneys, that make it easier to transport patients.
Cardiac I Stat Machine – Kenny and Carol Minerd Heart Institute
provides point-of-care lab results for patients (like blood panels and respiratory status).
Biocon Bladder Scanner - Cancer Center
provides 3D images to determine if catheterization is needed.
Portable Battery Headlight - Heart and Vascular Institute
allows nurses and surgeons to see more accurately.
Wireless Fetal Monitoring System - Women’s Health & Wellness Institute
allows women in labor to walk around the floor instead of being tied to a fetal monitor.
Irene Dunne Guild Nursing Scholarships
to help Saint John’s nurses with Associate degrees complete their BSN requirements. The current five awardees have been selected from the Intensive Care, Neonatal Intensive Care and Preoperative units.
Portable Fetal Monitors
This $30,000 gift monitors both the unborn baby’s heartbeat and the mother’s contractions, allowing the mother to move about freely during labor. Studies show that mothers who stay mobile longer have lower C-section rates and better outcomes for both her and baby.
Beauty Bus Program
Our $20,000 gift strengthens an already successful program that has been a success for patients and caregivers. Beauty Bus delivers loving kindness, support and compassion to seriously ill patients and their caregivers through beauty services. Beauty Bus delivers hope, dignity and respite to patients through the gift of beauty.
Accuvein AV500 Viewing System
This $14,000 gift provides systems that digitally display a viual map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, allowing clinicians to verify vein latency and avoid valves or bifurcations.
Weighted Gurneys for the Stroke Program
Our $9,000 gift converted gurneys purchased by Saint John's to weighted gurneys. These specialized gurneys accurately weigh and gently transfer stroke patients which has an overall effect on the length of stay, complications and outcomes.
PEACE Program
PEACE stands for Providence Empowerment and Caregiver Experience. Our $5,000 gifts supports PEACE, which is a grassroots program that enables Saint John's to give caregivers the ability to care for themselves and each other during working
Emergency Department
Saint John's Cancer Institute
Mobile Blood Donor Unit
Irene Dunne Guild Gift Shop
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Labor & Delivery Department
Volunteer Office
Nursing Department
Child & Family Development Center (CFDC)
Irene Dunne Guild Gift Shop
$500,000 grant to launch the gift shop in the hospital atrium staffed by Guild members and other hospital volunteers
Child and Family Development Center (CFDC)
We have hosted two Play Date fundraisers to support therapy (family and child) and social services that enhance the independence of children and families with disabilities enrolled at the Health Center's CFDC. In the Fall at our Annual Luncheon, we collect gift cards from Target, Ralphs, and other stores to help the families through the holiday season. Click here to learn more about the CFDC...
Emergency Department
$1 Million grant which funded new technologies
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Initial grant for this vital department
Emergency Department Cardiac Monitors
$67,000 for additional cardiac monitors in the department.
Volunteer Office
Upgraded computers for the department.
Vein finders/Bladder scanners and Vital Signs Monitors
Grant for upgraded equipment to help provide a new level of compassionate care for patients at Saint John's.
Safe Patient Handling Equipment
$100,000 gift of specialized devices and equipment used by nurses and other hospital staff to help move and lift patients safely and compassionately.
Nursing Day Skills Lab
$50,000 grant for continuing education to assist the nursing staff in keeping current with their skills and new technology and equipment.
Massages for Caregivers
10 minutes massages to caregivers on a monthly basis to addresses burn-out among hospital staff.
Flowater Refill - Cancer Center
provides accessible hot and cold clean water to caregivers and patients and contributes to reduce the environmental footprint encouraging water bottles’ refills.
Locker Room Refresh - ICU & PCCU
redo of the Nurses' locker room.
Electric Gurneys - PreOP and GI departments
gift of two electric gurneys, that make it easier to transport patients.
Cardiac I Stat Machine – Kenny and Carol Minerd Heart Institute
provides point-of-care lab results for patients (like blood panels and respiratory status).
Biocon Bladder Scanner - Cancer Center
provides 3D images to determine if catheterization is needed.
Portable Battery Headlight - Heart and Vascular Institute
allows nurses and surgeons to see more accurately.
Wireless Fetal Monitoring System - Women’s Health & Wellness Institute
allows women in labor to walk around the floor instead of being tied to a fetal monitor.
Irene Dunne Guild Nursing Scholarships
to help Saint John’s nurses with Associate degrees complete their BSN requirements. The current five awardees have been selected from the Intensive Care, Neonatal Intensive Care and Preoperative units.
Portable Fetal Monitors
This $30,000 gift monitors both the unborn baby’s heartbeat and the mother’s contractions, allowing the mother to move about freely during labor. Studies show that mothers who stay mobile longer have lower C-section rates and better outcomes for both her and baby.
Beauty Bus Program
Our $20,000 gift strengthens an already successful program that has been a success for patients and caregivers. Beauty Bus delivers loving kindness, support and compassion to seriously ill patients and their caregivers through beauty services. Beauty Bus delivers hope, dignity and respite to patients through the gift of beauty.
Accuvein AV500 Viewing System
This $14,000 gift provides systems that digitally display a viual map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, allowing clinicians to verify vein latency and avoid valves or bifurcations.
Weighted Gurneys for the Stroke Program
Our $9,000 gift converted gurneys purchased by Saint John's to weighted gurneys. These specialized gurneys accurately weigh and gently transfer stroke patients which has an overall effect on the length of stay, complications and outcomes.
PEACE Program
PEACE stands for Providence Empowerment and Caregiver Experience. Our $5,000 gifts supports PEACE, which is a grassroots program that enables Saint John's to give caregivers the ability to care for themselves and each other during working
Emergency Department
Saint John's Cancer Institute
Mobile Blood Donor Unit
Irene Dunne Guild Gift Shop
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Labor & Delivery Department
Volunteer Office
Nursing Department
Child & Family Development Center (CFDC)
Irene Dunne Guild Gift Shop
$500,000 grant to launch the gift shop in the hospital atrium staffed by Guild members and other hospital volunteers
Child and Family Development Center (CFDC)
We have hosted two Play Date fundraisers to support therapy (family and child) and social services that enhance the independence of children and families with disabilities enrolled at the Health Center's CFDC. In the Fall at our Annual Luncheon, we collect gift cards from Target, Ralphs, and other stores to help the families through the holiday season. Click here to learn more about the CFDC...
Emergency Department
$1 Million grant which funded new technologies
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Initial grant for this vital department
Emergency Department Cardiac Monitors
$67,000 for additional cardiac monitors in the department.
Volunteer Office
Upgraded computers for the department.
Vein finders/Bladder scanners and Vital Signs Monitors
Grant for upgraded equipment to help provide a new level of compassionate care for patients at Saint John's.
Safe Patient Handling Equipment
$100,000 gift of specialized devices and equipment used by nurses and other hospital staff to help move and lift patients safely and compassionately.
Nursing Day Skills Lab
$50,000 grant for continuing education to assist the nursing staff in keeping current with their skills and new technology and equipment.